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3 INDICATIONS VOQUEZNA® (vonoprazan) is indicated for the healing of all grades of Erosive Esophagitis in adults Read More

BlinkRx provides eligible patients with assistance accessing their prescribed medication

How it works:

Image of Rx on computer screen represents e-prescription
Prescriber: E-prescribe VOQUEZNA® (vonoprazan) to BlinkRx US Boise, Idaho 
in your EMR’s dropdown.
Image of mobile phone represents support phone call from BlinkRx to patient
BlinkRx contacts your patient: The BlinkRx team contacts your patient with a
confidential text, determines their copay, assists with prior authorizations, and
applies any available savings offers.
Image of truck with the words “FREE DELIVERY” on the side
Your patient’s Rx is delivered to them: BlinkRx arranges for home delivery and
collects payment through their mobile platform or over the phone.
Contact BlinkRx if you need help getting eligible patients started